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  Rover Wheels
YogiCub Rover   Rover Development   MiniFig Scale Rovers


Welcome to BrickVista. A New month sees further refinement and improvement to the site along with the addition of a NEW area to BrickVista - Features. The first feature highlights large scale Rover wheels. Originally developed to meet the requirements of my second NASA Rover, these wheels take off where the 4x4 Off-Roader wheels end - Check them out here.

The Features area is Located in the top navigation bar, and showcases my latest LEGO® creations, along with 'Works in Progress', and other sources of inspiration.

New to the Models area is a range of 5 classic NASA Rovers, from the LRV to the MER these MiniFig scale Rovers are a perfect compliment to your next Moon base project. Down load them here.


BrickVista is a way of looking at things. A way of describing things through LEGO® . Whether it be a design for a imaginary moon base, adding machine or operational crane, the LEGO® building system provides a common framework in which all creations can be made and understood.

BrickVista’s aim is to present the results of inquiry – scientific, technological, creative, and artistic - in a manner which makes it understandable and accessible to those wishing to further their understanding of the world around them.


BrickVista continues to grow each month with additional features and models coming on line so come back often and take a look around. I hope you enjoy BrickVista as much as I have in putting it together. Such effort inventively stems from my creative desire to understand a little more about how things work, and the effect this has towards the world in which we all share.

So remember to BrickVista and invent the future!



BrickVista - Invent the Future


Large Scale Rover Wheels

Although LEGO® has a large range of wheel and tyre combinations Rover wheels seem to be cross between your typical off-road tyre and a cheese grater.

These specifically designed Rover wheels will meet the most demanding terrain any exploration mission will encounter. Available in a host of diameters and widths try a pair on your Rover now!

MiniFig scale Rovers

Five classic NASA Rovers to build and include in your next Moonbase project
Download models here


Check out previous editions of BrickVista
July 2003


SquidRecon Rover

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