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October's Updates


Welcome to BrickVista. Phew, how time flies. It’s now halfway through October and it seems like only last week I was putting the finishing touches on the BrickVista Site. October’s update sees the addition of more things 'Rover' with a MindStorms compatible Rover MOC (complete with Building Instructions), new links, MOC's, and some renderings sprinkled through the site.
I hope you enjoy them.



M.O.P. RoverM.O.P Rover
The Modular Ordinance Platform (M.O.P) is a general purpose Rover chassis which is capable of supporting many different operational configurations and mission requirements. It allows for customization and re-configuration of many Rover Sub-systems while still retaining a common chassis and operational footprint
Check out the Building Instructions here.

Red Rover Goes To Mars ProjectRed Rover Goes To Mars
Initially the M.O.P Rover was developed to meet the Red Rover Goes To Mars – Build A Better Rover competition guidelines. The Red Rover Project is an initiative between the Planetary Society and the LEGO® Company which gives everyone the experience of exploring an unknown world through the eyes of a robotic Rover. Learn more about the Red Rover Project here.


DIY MOC @ BrickVista
The M.O.P Rover is the first MOC on BrickVista to have an accompanying set of Building Instructions. When ever you see the DIY MOC logo besides a Model on BrickVista you know it has its own Building Instructions. Just click the icon and your building. All BrickVista DIY MOC’s have a complete parts list, stepped LDraw file and Bill of Material (BOM) image for download.


BrickVista is a way of looking at things, a way of describing things through LEGO®. Whether it is a design for a imaginary moon base, adding machine or operational crane, the LEGO® building system provides a common framework in which all creations can be made and understood.

BrickVista’s aim is to present the results of inquiry – scientific, technological, creative, and artistic - in a manner which makes it understandable and accessible to those wishing to further their understanding of the world around them.


BrickVista as a free resource available to all the on-line community (whether it is the AFOL, K-12 Student, University Graduate, or anyone who is generally interested). All content has been developed with a strong educational bias, and is done so in the sprit of sharing and learning.

We are always open to content suggestions and contributions, so if you are interested in contributing to BrickVista in any way send us an email outlining your idea. We would love to hear from you.


BrickVista continues to grow each month with additional features and models coming on line so come back often and take a look around. I hope you enjoy BrickVista as much as I have in putting it together. Such effort inventively stems from my creative desire to understand a little more about how things work, and the effect this has towards the world in which we all share.

So remember to BrickVista and invent the future!


BrickVista - Invent the Future


M.O.P Rover

The M.O.P Rover is the first MOC on BrickVista to have an accompanying set of Building Instructions. All BrickVista DIY MOC’s have a complete parts list, stepped LDraw file and Bill of Material (BOM) image for download. Start building now.

Red Rover Goes To Mars

The Red Rover Project is an initiative between the Planetary Society and the LEGO® Company which gives everyone the experience of exploring an unknown world through the eyes of a robotic Rover. Click here to learn more.


Check out previous editions of BrickVista
July 2003

August 2003


In BrickVista’s August update I illustrated some building techniques which enabled you to Build Rover wheels which were larger than the ones available in official LEGO® sets. For those of you who contacted me about how large these wheels could go, I have rendered out an idea I was pursuing.

MER Wheel

This wheel is based off the MER Sprit wheel and is almost 1:1 scale at almost 250mm in diameter (or so MLCad tells me). I have no where near the parts required to make this beauty, but If anyone is interested I can forward you LDraw file for construction tips.


Holly Gripping Grabbers Batman! Trevor Hewer’s collection of Rovers and Grabbers provide an excellent starting point for anyone whishing to build Exploration Rovers. Check out his MOC’s, excellent renders, and grabber arms here.



Harvest Time
Harvest Time, Mars Habitat 2071.
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